Saturday, September 27, 2008

Zoe asked me if I would still love her when she grew up...

Zoe doesn’t respond well to change…well, most children don’t…but her response can be very dramatic. Once, upon discovering that she would not always remain a little girl, she burst into tears, lamenting that she didn’t want to grow up. No amount of reasoning or assurance could comfort her and she cried almost all the rest of the night. She would manage to be ok for a bit and then, out of the blue, would be crying again. Thankfully, it only lasted the one night…since, as a four-year old, her memory and attention span is short-lived.

So it didn’t come as a surprise when she asked me, “will you still love me when I grown up?” But it did melt my heart.

Oh to have the innocence and security of a four-year old that lives for being a princess child and relishes in the love of her mommy.