Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Play it Again!

Zoe Day 125 of 365
Originally uploaded by meldenham.
Makenzie got this (annoying) toy when she was a baby. It plays several (annoying) songs and at the end of each song, an (annoying) cookie-monster-ish voice says, "Play it again" and of course, whichever child has it (annoyingly) does! We put it on top of the refrigerator before Makenzie had it for any length of time and then it ended up in storage for about 3 years and it has spent the last 2 years buried under a bunch of other toys in the basement. I ran across it this week while cleaning out things for the garage sale. It was in the .10 box until one of my munchkins found it. Last night, Isaac was playing with it when my husband came home. He was amazed (and annoyed) that it still worked after all this time!
Stevie was practicing her flute in between customers this morning and left her music in the school room. I walked in and found Zoe "playing" one of the (annoying) songs at the music stand.
I wonder what kind of batteries are in that (annoying) toy? Whatever they are, they sure have some staying power!!