Monday, January 29, 2007

Yesterday, Makenzie went to work with me. I work in a small business during off-hours, either cutting cardstock or cleaning. Yesterday's job was a cutting job, so it was more fun. On the way to the shop, I noticed that Makenzie was not wearing socks, only crocs on her feet. It was 24 degrees out. Thankfully, she had a coat and a hat but I proceeded to explain to her the importance of dressing properly when going out--anything could happen, including the car breaking down. Her feet would get really cold if we had to walk. I then described frostbite to her, to put the fear in her, so to speak.
About half-way through my job, I decided we needed a milk shake to get us through. Makenzie was being such a good helper and it was the perfect time of day for a treat. We made a quick run over to McDonald's and grabbed a milk shake and brought it back to drink while we finished our job. On the way back to the store, Makenzie asked me if it were possible to get a freeze bite from a milk shake. took me several minutes to put two and two together, orginally I thought she was meant brain freeze...but she was actually remembering my "lecture" from earlier in the afternoon.
Silly girl!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

awwh.children can be sooooo funny.


1:54 PM


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