Sunday, October 08, 2006

It is a beautiful day outside. Not quite full-out Fall, but not quite Indian Summer either. Blue sky. Not too hot, not too cold. Fall is my favorite. I love the colors and crispness in the air. But this fall, at least right now, there is something in the air that has me whooping and hacking. So much so that I had an asthma attack and spent Friday night in the ER. YUCK! Now I'm on prednisone (just love the red, bloated face it has given me) and albuterol. More than likely a virus is the culprit--settled in my chest and then triggered my asthma. I haven't had an attack for two years and before that it had been five years. Let me tell you, not being able to breathe is pretty darn scary. On top of that, my brother was just recently hospitalized due to a severe asthma attack. He was on a ventilator for six weeks. I'm just a tad freaked out, to say the least. It is a blessing though to have three girls, their nurturing instinct kicks in at times and they become uncharacteristically helpful and attentive (albeit, short-lived, but I'll take what I can get). My husband has a "mom's don't get sick" attitude, so in less than an hour he'll be home with the two older kids and I'll have to round up some lunch. Ah, no rest for the weary...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Melisse,
Sorry about your attack. Big bummer, I can only imagine how scary that was!
Have to tell you, I enjoy the photos of the kids and family, been looking at your blog every day. The kids are growing so fast!Good work! Get well. If all these mountains, deserts and plains weren't between us, I'd be there to help and bring cake along also.

4:04 PM

Blogger Jill said...

I didn't know this happened! Well, I'm glad your better. My allergies are really kicked up right now too and I was sick all weekend.

But I agree that fall is the best!

8:28 PM


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