Friday, September 29, 2006

I read once that women as mothers have more impact on the future generation than any other factor in a child's life. I know that impacted me greatly when I read it, but I think once I walked away from that book or article, I also just stored that information in the back of my mind. I'm ashamed to admit that even though I believe that statement, I forget sometimes to apply that to my life as a mother. I'm not trying to lay some big guilt trip on anyone, or myself for that matter. I just have this on my mind now, mostly due to a conversation with a friend. Even an absent mother has affected their child, literally more than they'll ever know. I'm speaking from experience here; my mother abandoned me as a child on three separate ocassions. Thankfully, and by the grace of God, I've come to terms with that and have let it go, but I have two brothers that cling to that. They cling so tightly that they are literally and figuratively in bondage to this day. My brother, Tony, lives in Colorado. He recently escaped death from an asthma attack. He says he's stopped smoking now, but I have little faith in that statement, because he had started up after he got out of the hospital. There's much more that I could say about Tony, but I don't think it would be fair to him, to air his life on my blog. My brother, Eric, is currently in custody in a federal prison. Because my brothers have so held on to their past, they cannot seem to break free from the cycle of destructive living. Why am I sharing this? I guess as a reminder to all of us that even the simple act of hugging our children can make a world of difference. That's all they want: our love and attention.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cute pics of all the kids! Isaac is adorable checking himself out. :-)

2:50 PM


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