Saturday, April 12, 2008

100 Things

100 Things
Originally uploaded by meldenham
1 I'm one of those people that look better in print than face-to-face...I may come across as shy or stuck-up, but the truth is, I'm extremely introverted and I just never know what to say in person.

2 When I get depressed, I eat. When my heart gets broken, I don't eat. I think my heart has never fully repaired from being broken in the least that's what the scales say.

3 I want to be a writer...

4 ...or a pro photographer (not for portraits though)

5 Some songs literally move me; physcially, emotionally, &/or spiritually.

6 I love scary movies (not gory ones)

7 I yell too much--but once I get things off my chest, I'm done.

8 My paternal great grandfather was Greek. He was born, raised, and buried in Crete, Greece.

9 I have two younger brothers.

10 My mother abandoned me and my brothers on three separate occasions; once when I was 4, once at age 7, and finally, when I was 12.

11 I ran away to live with my maternal grandmother when I was 14.

12 I hate needles. I always end up bruised when I have to give blood and I usually get stuck more than once.

13 I love to be alone, but I hate it when my kids aren't home at night.

14 I sleep on the couch--I have carpal tunnel syndrome in my right hand/wrist and I have to sleep elevated in order to keep my hand from going numb and staying that way while I sleep.

15 My hair started to turn gray at the age of 18. I started dying it after I had Stevie (at age 29) and got called ma'am for the first time.

16 There's nothing more rewarding, to me, than my children saying, "I love you, Mommy".

17 I often feel like I'm waiting for something and I hate that because it takes the joy out of life now.

18 I love Lucky Charms, Captain Crunch, shrimp, crab, lobster, potatoes (cooked any way), ro-tel dip & chips, and vanilla ice cream.

19 I love whole milk, diet Dr. Pepper, pink lemonade with margarita salt on the rim of my glass, tequila, margaritas, and Corona with lime.

20 and coffee

21 I think holding hands is much more meaningful than any other form of PDA.

22 I was sexually molested as a child.

23 I am extremely intuitive, except with first impressions (I usually get them wrong).

24 Every time I see the ocean, it's like the first time.

25 I truly believe that it is better to give than to receive. The only exception is when my husband makes no effort to give me a gift (that probably makes me shallow, huh?)

26 I believe that actions speak louder than words.

27 The little things DO mean so much.

28 I think the saying: Love means never having to say you're sorry, is a total lie.

29 Easter is my favorite holiday.

30 Fall is my favorite season.

31 I can eat a lemon like most people eat an orange.

32 I have an extra set of ribs.

33 I miss my maternal grandmother tremendously; I especially wish she could have seen my children.

34 I've had eight pregnancies; four babies & four miscarriages. Seven of those were in the last eight years. Three of the babies were delivered via C-section. One of the miscarriages was after three months gestation, so I had to have a D & C. To top it off, I'm over 40...there's got to be something clever to be said about bouncing back and gravity, but I'm just too tired to think of it.

35 My astrological sign is Gemini. While I don't believe that the stars will predict what my day, week, month, or year will be like, I do think the description of 'Gemini' pretty much matches my personality.

36 Life is what you make it.

37 I believe the only unforgivable sin is the continued denial of God.

38 I don't think that humans, on earth, are capable of unconditional love.

39 I believe in love languages, perception, & body languages.

40 I HATE insincerity.

41 Movies I could watch over and over:
Breakfast Club, Cutting Edge, Working Girl, Ghost Story, The Saint, The Big Chill, Cloak & Dagger, Look Who's Talking, Adventures in Babysitting, Cocktail

42 My pet peeves include: spelling errors, food/eating/drinking noises, inane noises.

43 I actually don't mind doing laundry, dishes, & ironing; but I do not like to dust or vacuum.

44 I hate 4-way stops.

45 I love to sail.

46 I'm allergic to pollen.

47 I enjoy word games and puzzles.

48 I absolutely respect and admire Jill & Tammy--individually for very different reasons and both, specifically because they are who they claim to be.

49 My spiritual gift is discernment.

50 I need to work on being more merciful.

51 My favorite childhood Christmas gift was a big box of office supplies.

52 I'm a daydreamer.

53 I graduated from high school in 1983.

54 I came within 13 classes of getting a college degree (a BA in Business with an emphasis in Marketing).

55 I miss having a best friend.

56 Knowing that someone is lying and not being able to say or do anything about it makes me feel helpless and hopeless.

57 When I ride a horse, I feel both scared and exhilarated.

58 I tried to get my scuba certification, but could not pass the open-water dive. The test was conducted in an old mining pit in October (October in midwest USA is somewhat chilly). I could not see my hand in front of my face and after three failed attempts (at one point I hyperventilated under 30 feet of water), I finally admitted defeat.

59 All of my really close friends have had green eyes.

60 I love taking walks in the fall when the leaves crunch while I walk on the path.

61 I border on OCD when it comes to food safety.

62 I like to be busy.

63 I believe in the Bible--every Word.

64 I don't believe in fate or karma.

65 I think people that have cold hands REALLY do have a warm heart.

66 I don't accept compliments well.

67 I don't love money, but I do wish I didn't have to worry about it so much.

68 I believe in consequences.

69 I don't have much sympathy for those that knew better.

70 I'm not good at being subtle.

71 I don't handle confrontations well.

72 I don't like change.

73 I wish that I were more soft-spoken and kind-hearted.

74 I love road trips.

75 I love flying.

76 I would love to go on a real hot air balloon ride (once I went up in a tethered one).

77 I would love it if I could get an apology from the guy that I was supposed to marry; (my high school sweetheart; we were together for just over three years) he dumped me two weeks before our wedding date. (I'd also like to know the real reason why.)

78 I strive to get beyond the 'if onlys' and regrets of my past.

79 I like rainy days in the summer but not during the other seasons. I think it is because during the summer months, there's so much green (as opposed to all the gray).

80 I love to cook. I love to try new recipes. I have a weakness for recipe books. (Hey, I think I could have counted that as three things!)

81 I think it would be great to own a restaurant; a small cafe.

82 I don't do heights well.

83 I wish I felt comfortable with small talk.

84 I believe in miracles and the power of prayer.

85 If I could find time to read, I would read all the Dean Koontz books that I haven't read.

86 I remember my dad telling me how he still felt like he was 18, I understand what he was

87 I'm a list maker (doh).

88 I have absolutely NO desire to go on a cruise.

89 I would love to go to Alaska, Greece, the east coast of the USA, & Australia.

90 I've been to Hawaii and would love to go back.

91 I've been to Jamaica twice and would go again.

92 I consider myself to be in the 'taxi years' with my children...does it ever end?

93 Blood is thicker than water (I know for a fact).

94 I only like to shop when I don't have anything in particular I want or need. Otherwise, it is too much like a chore.

95 My favorite television shows: Monk, Medium, Burn Notice, Psych

96 I like seagulls, frogs, & elephants.

97 I like the Beatles, Led Zeppelin, & Def Lepard.

98 I like Johnny Depp, Kiefer Sutherland, Val Kilmer, and Jodie Foster. I used to like Meg Ryan...
I guess I like Reese Witherspoon and Renee Zellweger.

99 I've been called closed-minded because I'm a Christian. I believe that it takes more of an open mind to believe than not.

drumroll please...

100 I like the color green : )
it reminds me of life.


Blogger Angie said...

Thanks Mel, for the incredibly sweet comment. Considering all the trials you have been thru, it means so much! And I know what you mean about sharing the Gospel - I never feel like I'm shining enough - although I have to trust that God is using me even when I can't see it.

9:56 PM


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