Thursday, September 27, 2007

In my previous entry, I asked how you would choose to complete the task: put a list of words in alphabetical order and then define every other word. Would you begin your definitions with the first or second word from the list?
I would start with the first word and those of you that responded to my query, chose the first word as well.
Stevie had this assignment in Language Arts this week and she put the words in correct alphabetical order and then proceeded to define every other word, starting with the second word.
I really couldn't find a reason for that to be wrong and I didn't even bring it to her attention. I just thought it was interesting.
She is left-handed, and in raising and educating her, I've found so many differences like this...sometimes I think it is because she's left-handed and sometimes I think it is just a 'Stevie-ism'...
Hmmm, what do you all think about that?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, both my leftie and one of my right-handers said they'd start with the first word. I don't know. Maybe it IS just a "Stevie-ism"! :)) LOL!

5:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK...Briar just clarified her answer.

"It depends on what the first word is. If was an easy word, I'd start with the first word. If the second word was an easy one, I'd start with it instead."

Makes sense!

5:03 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I asked Sharon and she also would start with the first word. Maybe Stevie is the normal one for choosing to start with an even number. We are all the "odd" ones.

10:25 PM

Blogger Melisse said...

aw thanks, Joe, how sweet!

10:53 PM


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