Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The last time I colored my hair was right before I got pregnant with Isaac, hmm, carry the naught and add naught and let's see...about 18 months ago! We're having a family portrait taken tomorrow so, along with being called Grandma yet again, I finally decided it was time to color my hair. After applying all the dye and setting the timer, I came downstairs to get some computer time in. Several minutes later, I heard the timer and before I could get out of my chair, Stevie said, "oh no, Zoe". This is not what one wants to hear with permanent hair dye on one's head! Zoe thought she was being helpful by 'fixing' the timer. (She's also very good at closing doors, especially if I'm coming up from the basement with a heavy box in my hands.) I asked Stevie if she noticed how much time was left, of course she didn't. Did I look at the clock when I was done? Oh no, why would I, after all, I was setting a timer. Stevie thought it had maybe 10 minutes left. Well, I'm happy to report that I don't have green hair, although Stevie did try to scare me with that thought when I took the towel off my head. Now I know why I was waiting to color my hair...


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