We've all had one of 'those' nights and we've all had one of 'those' days...I had one of 'those' nights last night and one of 'those' days today--do they still make calgon?
Sleep was seldom experienced by me last night, not only because of the albuterol making me jittery, but also because Zoe coughing all night. After giving her cough medicine and rubbing her chest with Vicks, she finally settled down about 4:45 this morning. Of course, it was Isaac's turn to awaken me about 5:45 to be nursed.
I'm still trying to get better myself, so when I did finally get up, I decided I would take the day easy--not go to my circle group, but just stay in and get the girls' school done and then take the rest of the day off.
About 10 am our power went totally out. This really isn't a bad thing, as far as things are concerned, just inconvenient. The part about it that didn't set well with me was the fact that the power company knew when they were going to turn our power off (the transformer we're connected to sunk in a neighbor's back yard), but they didn't inform us. So, I had nothing in the house to eat that didn't need to be cooked and I wasn't looking forward to going anywhere with a sick two-year old and me still feeling icky. Not to mention the fact that my garage door needed electricity in order to open it to get my van out (I did learn how to override that). I finally settled on ordering Mr. Goodcents in; this was a good thing :) After school and lunch, I was faced with what to do for the rest of the afternoon. Zoe had fallen to sleep and Isaac was taking a really good nap. SO...I finished a board book scrapbook for Zoe. I guess I really have no room to complain. We did stay warm---I was able to convince Zoe to wear her dance leotard over her jammies. We finished school with little complaint and few interruptions and I worked on a project that I'd been neglecting for months. I'm still feeling like I need a night of sleep, but I got much accomplished. So a day without the computer and TV (and heat, lights, and cooking conveniences), turned out to be just what the doctor ordered. I'm tellin' ya, crafting has many therapeutic qualities.
Sometimes what seems like a problem turns out to be a blessing. I've had that a lot myself. I've also found lately that we sometimes have to just hole up and heal. I'm glad you were forced to!
Where I grew up there was a local nutty family, the kind every small town has. This particular family hauled trash. Once my brother was speaking to one of the elder members of the clan, a toothless gentleman in carhart coveralls. My brother asked him about the six pack he was holding and the gent said, "tonight I'm going to drink this, put my feet up and say, 'goodbye world!'" And while I don't get a six pack, I've been known to put up my feet and say, "goodbye world" with knitting, a book, or just a cup of tea.
11:44 AM
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